A boarder’s reflection

From left: Jack Beresford (Year 12 boarder), Hugh Ryan (Year 12 boarder)

Hugh Ryan is a 2024 Co-Vice Captain of the School.

He is the recipient of the Maurice & Margaret McKeown Scholarship, which was established with a gift in Will by their son, Dr Malcolm McKeown (OM 1935).

Hugh was recently invited to share his story with members of the Witherby Tower Society. Here is an excerpt from his speech.

“I was born and raised in Lancaster, a small town about half an hour west of Shepparton. For three generations, until last year, my family were dairy farmers.

Boarding was never on my nor my family’s radar until about halfway through Year 9. It was then I realised my studies were stagnating and I was far from content with who I was and where it looked like I was going. I needed a change, and a change of school and environment seemed to be the most logical solution to me.

After looking into it and asking around, Melbourne Grammar quickly presented itself as the best option for me by the length of the Flemington Straight.

The suggestion was initially met with nerves by my family but through discussing it, my parents realised it was something I was set on and before I knew it, I was touring the boarding house and trying on the school uniform.

Three years later I find myself in a place where my studies are flourishing, and I’m surrounded by a group of good friends and opportunities to further myself in every aspect of life. I’ve never been happier.

My time here has been quite hectic. Life in Melbourne, consisting of sport, study, friends, events and so forth, has been quite a change to the hay bales of home.

However, the change that Melbourne Grammar has brought for me is genuinely immeasurable – and this is visible to even those closest to me. To put it as my grandfather did, ‘I think it might’ve been worth it’.

I am proud to be who I am today and attribute it entirely to culture of the school.

I am here today because of the sacrifice, generosity, and support of others. My parents, of whom I am immensely grateful as well as my grandparents and siblings, made a tough decision seamless.

It is also the immense generosity of Dr McKeown, a man who I never had the fortune of meeting, which has allowed me to be here. It is still rather incomprehensible to me that someone could have such goodwill, and the trust in me that comes with it is incredible.

I hope that Dr McKeown would be content with the product of his generosity. And I hope that we as a school can continue to diversify and provide opportunities to those who, like me, would otherwise be unable to flourish.”

If you would like to learn more about leaving a gift to the School in your Will, please contact:
Roni Baird
Senior Philanthropy Manager
+61 3 9865 7632
[email protected]