Year 5 poetry

The annual Year 5 Poetry competition provides students with their first steps in public speaking. Students are able to recite a known poem, or write their own.

Here are a few of the original poems written and presented by Year 5 students in 2020.

Portsea Pier by Phoebe Bright

Shivering splinters
Deep water
Metal ladders
Rocky shore
Shuffling across
Blue hue
Shores crash
Waves tower
Seaweed dances
Portsea pier.

Street boy by Natalie Grant

Where do you want to go, street boy down the alley, but the alley goes into nothing?
you ride trains and buses, but you miss home
where do we go now the streets call you but there is nothing?
Am I going insane?
you want home but home
doesn’t want you,
you don’t feel like you belong
but who’s there to help
you think the world has turned its back on you
or maybe you have turned your back on the world
you cry and cry, but nobody comforts you
is this where loneliness begins?
it can be a terrible feeling
I never knew what it felt like
but nobody really knows what loneliness is
people may be orphans but sometimes they have siblings or friends
nobody knows what it’s really like
loneliness can come at any time anywhere
but it’s not just being with no people
its being left alone with no home or no family
loneliness can kill
loneliness can make you sick
but loneliness can be fought with love
you may not like a family but deep down they are your strongest allies
you may not like them
they may be rude, but they are the ones who care for you the most
you may not feel like you belong
but always remember you will always be loved

COVID-19 by Julien Lecocq

There’s a new disease, 
That’s spreading through our knees, 
But wait, before you know it, it’s already in the trees, 
The virus goes in the breeze

There’s no stopping it, COVID spreads through a sneeze. 
Coronavirus, It’s the one that’s feared the most
It’s the one that better not be in your toast
If you get it then your days are as thin as a ghost
No more BBQ roasts. 
No more collecting your posts. 

If you get the virus, you have to stay home instead, 
Watch a movie, play some games or maybe eat some bread
Coronavirus is what everyone dreads
But stay inside, be careful and make sure you use your head. 

My Dogs in the Garden by Arabella Pappas

The ball sits in the lush green grass,
Dappled sun pouring down on us.
The grass will bristle as my dogs run beside me,
Why do the leaves rustle as we run right past?
Puffed and amazed at my dogs leaping and pouncing,
Energy, energy, energy.

The ball sits in the abundant green grass,
The sun is setting, and the clouds float slowly away.
I run around quickly, trying to warm up,
Why is it getting so cold?
We are energetic, we will continue to play,
Some energy, energy, energy.

The ball now sits in the disappearing sunlight,
The shadows pool and creep around us.
I  praise the dog’s efforts and try to get them to come back in the house,
Why won’t they come?
We are puffed and tired as we finally walk inside,
Not much energy, energy, energy.

The ball will sit in the exuberant green grass,
The sky is dark and the moon has come out.
No one is out at this time of night,
Why not?
We are now in bed- fast asleep,
No energy, energy, energy.

This poem is dedicated to my darling dogs; Spot and Missy.