Home Topics Headmaster

Topic: Headmaster

Community chest or business monopoly?

'A sense of community' differentiates Melbourne Grammar from many other businesses.

Deputising at Melbourne Grammar

Farewell to an outstanding Deputy Headmaster and Head of Senior School, Mr Nick Evans. Mr Ben Hanisch, commences in the role in Term 3 2019.

Vale Nigel Creese AM

With profound sadness, the Melbourne Grammar School community acknowledged the death of Nigel Arthur Holloway Creese AM.

Sport for sports sake?

Schools pay a great deal of attention to health, physical education and sport for very important reasons.

Legacy or millstone?

Headmaster Roy Kelley highlights the importance and form of service learning at Melbourne Grammar School.

To pursue or retreat from excellence, is that the question?

In an educational context, it is important to recognise that excellence can be both relative and absolute explains Mr Roy Kelly, Headmaster.