Home Topics Sustainability

Topic: Sustainability

Supporting a new recycling approach

Two Grimwade House service teams are leading the way in blister pack recycling.

Green by name…

Our new Property Manager, Elliot Green, explains how sustainable strategies are shaping our new Centre for Humanities.

Year 6 takes a hands-on course in sustainability

At this year’s camp, our Year 6 students deepened their knowledge of sustainable practices in a community that puts the environment first.

Bringing nature back into the urban environment

Melbourne Grammar School's involvement in the Melbourne Pollinator Corridor will make a real difference to local flora and fauna.

Collaborating for our community’s water security

Grimwade House graduate Chloe Wiesenfeld is working on one of the biggest challenges Victoria will face in the next 50 years: the security of our water supply.

Turning the ship around on sustainability

Creating a more sustainable world takes patience, but for Chester Cunningham (OM 1993), there’s no question about the importance of his work.