Following the outstanding academic success of the Class of 2022, all those actively seeking to study in 2022 have successfully secured a tertiary place in Victoria and/or interstate. Some students have also been offered places at overseas institutions.
VTAC (Victorian-based) and interstate offers
Once again, the University of Melbourne stands out as being the destination of choice for many of our graduates with 43% of the Class of 2022 receiving an offer to study there.
Combined degrees continue to prove popular with over half the offers at Monash University enabling our graduates to study two degrees concurrently.
RMIT has maintained its position as third most popular destination university for Melbourne Grammar students, with many taking advantage of the vocational diploma/degree guaranteed pathway option.
This year after the two main tertiary placement offer rounds, close to 90% of graduates will be taking up a course they had in their top three preferences. However, it is also worth noting that around 10% of the cohort have indicated they will not be studying in 2023, preferring full-time employment or taking a Gap Year.
The Australian National University (ANU) continues to be the interstate institution of choice for Melbourne Grammar School graduates, with at least 12 students accepting their offer at ANU over those received from the University of Melbourne, Monash University and RMIT.
Other interstate destinations include the University of New South Wales, the University of Sydney and Charles Sturt University.
The graph below provides a snapshot of the post-school Victorian/interstate tertiary offers made to the Class of 2022.

Overseas offers
In terms of offers from overseas institutions, the School is aware of offers being made by Durham University, Edinburgh University, King’s College London, the University of St Andrews, and UCL (University College London) in the United Kingdom.
US institutions making offers to our graduates include Penn State (Pennsylvania State University), Syracuse University, the University of Chicago, and Yale University.
Fields of tertiary study
The graph below highlights the breadth of study areas that our graduates choose to pursue.
It is interesting to note an overall increase in the number of offers made to courses in the medical and health sciences this year. This field of study combined with the engineering, technology and physical sciences demonstrates a strong interest in the STEM areas for our graduates, accounting for around 37% of the offers made.
Management and Commerce continues to be the leader as the single field of study accounting for 30% of the offers made. More than a third of these offers were for Management and Commerce combined with a course from another field of study.
This year has seen an increase in the demand for Arts and Law degrees resulting in more offers being made in these disciplines under the Society and Culture field of study.