Artists: Year 4 students, 2020
Medium: Various
Drawing inspiration from Federico Babina’s Archist City series, Year 4 students designed and drew buildings inspired by their favourite artists.
Utilizing a variety of visual art mediums and media art apps, they considered their use of the art elements of colour, shape, line and texture to represent characteristics and techniques often seen in the work of their chosen artist.
Further, the students engaged in 3D paper construction art to produce architectural sculptures. They designed their structures, including decorative line, shape and pattern; cut and constructed, and attached original forms. Through their use visual texture and space, the students provided context to the purpose and function of their buildings.
The artwork in this exhibition was produced during a period of off-campus learning.
Click on an image to enlarge it.
The artistic process
Here, fourteen student artists explain aspects of their artwork.
“My artwork was inspired by Frida Kahlo. I have always loved her art. My work has been coloured with bright and elaborate colours. I have used her design to draw flowers on my building it looks amazing to me and I am constantly proud of my work.”
“I used warm colours in my drawing inspired by Monet’s artwork.”
“I’m really proud of my line because my goal was [to use] no straight lines.”
“I tried my best to make one house scary and creepy. I tore a window, so it looked smashed. In some houses I made it old and in one I made it futuristic.”
“In the house with a rounded roof, I gave it a wooden pattern and shaded it. I also tried to make each house as unique as possible.”
“I tried to make it abstract but modern, and my inspiration was from dot paintings.”
“I was inspired my Salvador Dali’s ‘Melting Clocks’ and Andy Warhol’s pop art.”
“A technique I used to make it look like something from Van Gogh was short little brush (or in this case pencil) strokes.”
“I used the curved lines because that was very similar to Georgia O’Keefe’s style and it shows that it was done smoothly. I used A contrast of colours so that they pop and look different.”
“I tried to use the art element of texture to give my art a 3D affect.”
“My house is a weird house. I tried to make it bold and alive by putting a face on it. I made a lot of different textures that I made up on the spot. My house is made from a lot of things like glass, brick and tiles.”
“I chose to do a Van Gogh style artwork. I used lots of small lines to make a big picture. I also decided to do a very unique house because I think Van Gogh’s style is very unique itself.”
“I used sharp lines and different shades of grey to make it look unique.”