Recreating a Masterpiece

Artists: Prep – Year 2 students
Medium: Various

Students in Prep to Year 2 were encouraged to re-create a masterpiece by placing themselves as the subject of the work.

Prep and Year 1 students viewed a variety of artworks by Swiss painter Albert Anker who features children doing daily activities and holding pets. Year 2 students viewed a variety of masterpieces with subjects holding and playing instruments by well-known artists throughout history.

In this task students could select any masterpiece to re-create within the comforts of their home. A fabulous insight into understanding what makes up a composition, students and their families sourced objects to replicate the setting of the artwork. They selected items, put similar objects into position and dressed accordingly.

The photographs demonstrated student’s consideration to mood, colour and facial expression of the subject they selected. The images warm the heart as we imagine the process students undertook to achieve these accurate interpretations.

The artwork in this exhibition was produced during a period of off-campus learning.

Click on an image to enlarge it.