Topic: Headmaster
The value of competitive sport
The benefits of participating in competitive sport extend well beyond physical health and well-being.
Welcoming feedback
To maintain excellence in our educational programs and our culture, Melbourne Grammar invites input from many members of our community.
The importance of art in our culture
The Headmaster explores the many ways in which we all benefit from a strong presence of art in our community.
Encouraging students to use their voice
When used in the right way, your vioce has the power to change the world around you. At Melbourne Grammar School, learning how to express yourself confidently, clearly and with respect is an important part of our educational program.
Is it better to give or to receive?
All members of our School community have the opportunity to show leadership in demonstrating the importance of giving.
Courage in the face of adversity
We all face challenges every day - but it is how we respond to these that is important. I believe that courage and hard work can overcome many obstacles.
Gratitude for the opportunity that diversity brings
Headmaster, Philip Grutzner, explains why inclusiveness has become a strong focus of the School.
What is important?
The past 22 months have caused many to question what they value most and what makes for a good life.
The importance of collaboration
Competitiveness works best when it goes hand in hand with a strong focus on collaboration and respect for others.
Mistakes, blame and consequences
Headmaster, Mr Philip Grutzner, highlights the importance of owning the consequences of your actions. He also announces changes to the School's Senior Executive team.