Meet The Old Melburnians Council members

Top, from left: Will Alstergren, Thindika Amarasekara, Bill Cowan, Marc Cuming, Anton Leschen Bottom, from left: Martin Scott, Jeremy Nichols, Andrew Sutcliffe, Charles Thompson, Rohan Workman

The Old Melburnians Council is the governing body of the Old Melburnians community. Operating as a Board and, through seven sub-committees, the volunteer members deliver an annual program of initiatives to support and inspire our Old Melburnians as well, at times, our students. 



Thindika Amarasekara – President
Martin Scott – Vice President and Honorary Treasurer
Bill Cowan – Vice President
Andrew Sutcliffe – Honorary Secretary

General Members
Will Alstergren Marc Cuming Anton Leschen
Jeremy Nichols Charles Thompson Rohan Workman


The Hon Will Alstergren QC AO (OM 1980)
Will is the Chief Justice of the Family Court of Australia. He is passionate about celebrating the School values, supporting the governance of the OMs, and in providing career guidance for young OMs.

Thindika Amarasekara (OM 1991)
Thindika is a Managing Director in corporate finance at a global investment bank. A former Captain of School, Thindika has three sons currently attending Melbourne Grammar.

Bill Cowan AM (OM 1962)
Bill is a renowned author and executive career coach. He supports the Career Pathways Committee and helped launch and build the OM Career Masterclass which supports young OMs to pursue their goals.

Marc Cuming (OM 1983)
Marc works in wealth management and has a 146-year connection to Melbourne Grammar across five generations. Marc is a member of the Finance Committee, Annual Dinner Committee and is the liaison point for the OM Clubs.

Anton Leschen (OM 1983)
Anton has over 30 years’ experience in the community sector, leading child, youth and family services including the Smith Family. Anton leads the Fellowship and Community Committee and supports Special Events.

Jeremy Nichols (OM 1983)
Jeremy is the founder of a management consulting firm. An avid supporter of the OM Football Club, he leads the Communication and Database Committee, and is a member of the Clubs Committee.

Martin Scott QC (OM 1980)
Martin is a commercial barrister and is the Vice President, Honorary Treasurer, and Chair of
the Finance Committee. He was inspired to join the Council by the example of his late father who led the Melbourne Grammar School Foundation.

Andrew Sutcliffe (OM 1986)
Andrew works in largescale infrastructure and is part of four generations who have attended Melbourne Grammar. His grandfather Joe Sutcliffe was Headmaster from 1938 until 1949. Andrew chairs the Annual Dinner Committee and is a member of the Finance Committee.

Charles Thompson (OM 1987)
Charles is a former lawyer and consultant with corporate and not-for-profit Board experience. He now runs his own strategy and investment advisory, and an ecotourism operation. Charles leads Career Pathways Committee.

Rohan Workman (OM 2004)
Rohan works in venture capital and entrepreneurship and is passionate about supporting founders to build significant and sustainable companies. Rohan leads the Special Events Committee which includes the Business Breakfast and OM Journeys.